Planning the Journey

Planning the Journey

As a future member of the nursing profession, I think that teamwork is key component to a successful career. I have always loved working with others and helping people. From what I know of my team members, I can get a grasp of how we will work as a team to complete this project. I have worked with them before and I know that we will have useful and productive communication skills to make this project the best it can be. I think that we should establish what each person can contribute to the project and make a game plan of what has to be done by certain dates. I love organization and and I appreciate others input. I am eager to make this project and I am excited to see the final product. If we do run into the problem of a team member not fully participating, I feel comfortable enough to confront them and discuss how we could make a difference. This project is something that can only benefit us. We will experience working as a team and we will gain knowledge form the topic that we choose. Working as a team can only benefit us because that is what we will be doing for the rest of our lives. I am excited to see where this project takes us.

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