Appraisal and Synthesis

Appraisal and Synthesis

Through evidence appraisal and synthesis, I discovered so much about skin to skin contact and kangaroo care in relation to the growth and development of premature newborns. I knew that a touch was so important to their development but I didn’t realize that it significantly made a difference. Weight gain was the main point from the article I researched and I saw a lot of evidence backing up how just 60-120 minutes a day of physical touch can improve a premature newborns weight. As a future nurse, I would love to specialize in the care premature newborns and work in a NICU. I have always had a passion for newborns especially ones that are born early. I want to change their lives significantly so they can live the life a full term baby would.

Overall, my team members and I did come to the same conclusion about the findings in our articles and how the importance of physical touch plays a significant role in the development of a premature newborn. If one of us ran into a dilemma or some sort of confusion, we would talk it out and come to a conclusion on how we would handle it. It was interesting to see how each of our articles tied together and made sense. Each of our articles focused on certain main points and it was awesome to see how we could relate those main points into a discussion. Each team member put valuable time into our paper and I feel as though we each contributed to the paper evenly.

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