

Official Course Description-

Through explorations with time-based media such as photography, audio, video and the Internet, students develop a framework for using digital technologies for communication and expression. Students must have a digital point and shoot, cell phone or DSLR (digital single reflex camera).

My Own Description-

This class explored how photography works. We learned about how DSLR cameras work and how to use certain settings in certain places. There was a self portrait due every week and a weekly assignment along with it. For the final project, we had to study a photographer and mirror their work.

I learned so much in this class. I learned how DSLR cameras work and what settings are appropriate for certain times of day, certain light, and how to photograph things that are moving. I think that I am now more comfortable with using a DSLR and I know for a fact that I will use these tools learned down the road. I am proud of all the things I learned.



Link to Project-

