Some Categories in Sample Narratives

Some Categories in Sample Narratives

Turn Around?

  • Name the concept you’ve decided to focus on in presenting evidence.

A concept I decided to focus on from this narrative was how even though this one teacher ruined how she felt about her writing skills, she learned to realize that there are always going to be people there who will make you feel bad about yourself but there will also be people there to make you feel good. It’s important to focus on the good and not the bad. Maybe even learn from the bad.

  • Quote a relevant passage from Alexander, Brandt, or Williams that shows/defines the concept (don’t quote from the Alexander table; go into the text).

“figures who turned up most typically in peoples memories of literacy learning: older relatives, teachers, priests, supervisors, military officers, editors, influential authors.”

  • Quote a relevant passage from the narrative that you think shows the concept in play.

“At this point in my life I am feeling better and better about writing everyday.”

  • Explain what the detail in the narrative shows us about the concept.

This just shows that even though there was this negative time her life, she turned it around to show how there was a counter stories to make her narrative end on a good note.


Passion for Writing

  • Name the concept you’ve decided to focus on in presenting evidence.

As Sam moved their narrative, they started off strong with how they enjoyed writing about things that made them happy such as hockey. They loved writing about this kind of stuff because it made them feel like it could be enjoyable to get lost in the moment of sharing their thoughts on a piece of paper. As they moved into high school, this quickly came to an end and they felt that it didn’t have the thrill like it used to. They learned through this time that they hope they can find excitement in all types of writing, no matter the topic.

  • Quote a relevant passage from Alexander, Brandt, or Williams that shows/defines the concept (don’t quote from the Alexander table; go into the text).

“In contrast to the little narratives that affirm the success narrative, some little narratives provide counter stories to the master narrative of success.”

  • Quote a relevant passage from the narrative that you think shows the concept in play.

“While I don’t fully agree with having to write about topics that are not of interest because it limits our creatives mind, I do feel that it is good to be open to other various topics and subjects.”

  • Explain what the detail in the narrative shows us about the concept.

Even though they had a bad experience, they learned that it is good to be open to new topics and subjects.



Expect the Unexpected

  • Name the concept you’ve decided to focus on in presenting evidence.

Because they wrote about something really personal that occurred in their life, this simple essay was so meaningful to them and they were so proud about what they wrote about. This made them a stronger person and writer.

  • Quote a relevant passage from Alexander, Brandt, or Williams that shows/defines the concept (don’t quote from the Alexander table; go into the text).

“often wrote about themselves as being invisible or used metaphors about being unclean or outcast from the world”

  • Quote a relevant passage from the narrative that you think shows the concept in play.

“Write what makes you happy, that’s the paper to aim for.”

  • Explain what the detail in the narrative shows us about the concept.

They learned to write for themselves instead of writing to please others. They learned to be a stronger person and writer.

Recess and Distress

  • Name the concept you’ve decided to focus on in presenting evidence.

They learned that their teacher was right and if they just took their time on their work, it would be a much more higher quality. They were frustrated at the time about not being able to go to recess but they learned down the road they should take the time to make their papers higher quality.

  • Quote a relevant passage from Alexander, Brandt, or Williams that shows/defines the concept (don’t quote from the Alexander table; go into the text).

“successful consumers of literacy, and identifying themselves as literacy “winners” because they have he most awards and prizes to show for their work.”

  • Quote a relevant passage from the narrative that you think shows the concept in play.

“…if I just took my time on my work, it would be much higher quality.”

  • Explain what the detail in the narrative shows us about the concept.

After becoming this person who they always dreamed of school work wise, they realized that if they took the time to revise their work, it would be easier in the long run.

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