Revised Paragraphs, Project 3

Revised Paragraphs, Project 3

Paragraph 1 Original:

I found from reading and studying Kara Alexanders’ scholarly article about literacy narratives that she examined the “master” and “little” cultural narratives students perform in literacy narratives. She studied which types of literacy narratives were most popular among students. She found that the top 3 cultural narratives were about success, victim, and hero. Alexander found that “these findings make obvious that students see their literacy path as a journey to success.”(616). Almost all the kinds of literacy narratives could somehow turn into a lesson learned, whether it was a positive or negative experience. In hero narratives, “students portrayed themselves as the supreme or superwoman who overcame challenges and struggles to become more literate.”(Alexander 618). Human like to learn and grow from experiences in their lives and hero narratives really show the growth and power behind experiences they’ve gone through.

Paragraph 1 Revised:

From reading and studying Kara Alexanders’ scholarly article about literacy narratives, I examined the “master” and “little” cultural narratives that students perform in literacy narratives. Master cultural narratives have the unfortunate result of overgeneralization; examples of these are in textbooks. Little cultural narratives allow glimpses of our lives that have sometimes been overlooked. These are narratives where one feels as though they can rant about whatever they want. Alexander studied which narratives were most popular among students and she found that success, victim, and hero narratives were most popular. From this she concluded, “these findings make obvious that students see their literacy path as a journey to success”(616). Most literacy narratives end with a lesson learned, whether it was positive or negative. In hero narratives, “students portrayed themselves as the supreme or superwoman who overcame challenges and struggles to become more literate”(Alexander 618). It is human nature to learn and grow from experiences that occur in our lives and hero narratives really show the growth and power behind experiences they’ve gone through.

Paragraph 2 Original:

Sponsors have a huge impact on an individual life. In most learning and growing experiences, its often caused because of a sponsor. In Brandts’ article, sponsors are discussed throughout the entire article. She explains how, “… sponsors seemed a fitting term for the figures who turned up most typically in people’s memories of literacy learning: older relatives teachers, priests, supervisors, military officers, editors, influential authors.” (Brandt 32). Sponsorship from others leads to the growth and learning experiences related to literacy narratives written with a focus on the cultural narrative hero.

Paragraph 2 Revision:

In most learning and growing experiences, sponsors have a huge impact on an individuals life. In In Brandts’ article, sponsors are discussed throughout the entire article. She explains how, “… sponsors seemed a fitting term for the figures who turned up most typically in people’s memories of literacy learning: older relatives teachers, priests, supervisors, military officers, editors, influential authors.” (Brandt 32). Sponsorship leads to growth and development within a person and often times these moments in a persons life, are ones they remember forever. Why do you think we all remember our first grade teachers name? Its because this is where we first learned to read and write; these moments we will remember for the rest of our lives. 


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