Revision Plan, Paper 1

Revision Plan, Paper 1

  • What big concerns did you have about your draft as you completed the first draft?

I was nervous about whether or not I included all the necessary quotes to back up my argument and whether or not my argument was well based. I didn’t know if my argument was stupid or not and I was scared people wouldn’t understand what I was trying to say. Also, I didn’t know if I was relating two ideas correctly to each other.

  • What did your peers like most about your paper? Be specific, perhaps by quoting from one (or more) of the comments on your paper. Be sure to credit your peer!

My peers liked my argument topics and they liked how I was relating some things back to one another. I didn’t know whether or not my arguments were making sense so by hearing from them that they did make sense and that they were strong arguments made me feel good. Mat was always saying how he liked the quotes I was using to tie my thoughts together so that was encouraging.

  • Where are you working best with Gee? What do your peers think you can do to improve on that section? You might quote from a peer, and give credit.

With Gee, I am working best with using what he says to back up an argument I am trying to prove. He has a lot of small quotes that are useful to me when I am trying to tie together some lose thoughts. He had some great quotes that fit perfectly in the middle of some of my sentences where I am trying to define what I’m trying to say in such a way that makes sense.

  • Where are you working best with Cuddy? What do your peers think you can do to improve on that section? You might quote from a peer, and give credit.

With Cuddy, I am working well with the whole body position portion of it. I referred to that a lot throughout my paper, tying Gee’s thoughts about Discourses together to make it so it makes sense to who ever is reading my paper. I also knew that everything she was saying I somehow connected to whether I have done those actions before or whether I saw it happen. Because I had these real life connections to what she was saying, it made it easier to write about these tie back to Discourses.

  • According to your peers, what are your two biggest challenges in your work with the texts? How do you think you can address those challenges in your revision? If you need quotes or “evidence,” be specific about the text you should bring into a revision. If you need stronger explanations of your Gee-Cuddy relationships, be specific about what you need to explain. (Don’t re-write the paragraphs or sections. Rather, explain what you need to do.)

My biggest issue in my paper was definitely my transitions into the next point. I had trouble trying to connect each point together and trying to make it so that they all made sense together. I felt each paragraph was great alone but when I read them all together, they didn’t back each other back up in the best way I could’ve done. Another issue I was finding myself run into was using the appropriate quotes because sometimes I felt I knew that the quote I was trying to use made sense but when I tried outing it into a sentence to back up what I was trying to say, it just didn’t make the best sense.

  • Using the guidance from your peers, put your overall perspective (viewpoint) into a sentence or two. How will you help your reader “get” your perspective?
  • I will help my reader “get” my perspective by backing up my argument with the appropriate quotes. Also I will carry each paragraph into one another by using appropriate transitions when needed and I will make it so that each paragraph makes sense with the next one.
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