Coordination and Subordination- Sentence style and Emphasis

Coordination and Subordination- Sentence style and Emphasis


1. If the reader leaves feeling questionative, then that’s where the Discourse went wrong. (Subordination)

This is an example of subordination because these two parts of the sentence could not stand alone. “If the reader leaves feeling questionative,” wouldn’t make sense by itself so the explanation “then that’s where the Discourse went wrong.” makes it so that it does make sense. 

2. Her reading tasks and reading practices stayed pretty much the same, the only thing that differed was how she waited until the last minute to do her research paper and she relied on a minimal amount of sources to get her information. (Coordination)

This is an example of coordination because the first part of the sentence “Her reading tasks and reading practices stayed pretty much the same, the only thing that differed was how she waited until the last minute to do her research paper…” could stand by itself but there is a connecting word “and” to add the “she relied on a minimal amount of sources to get her information.” to the end of the sentence. These two parts could stand by themselves. 

3. When writing scientific papers, often the information that is being talked about in the paper isn’t related back to the purpose of the paper. (Subordination)

This is an example of subordination because these two clauses can’t stand by themselves. The last portion of the sentence “often the information that is being talked about in the paper isn’t related back to the purpose of the paper.” wouldn’t make sense without “When writing scientific papers,“.


4. She found that with time her writing became gradually better and it is commonly this way with college students, especially in the Biology field. (Coordination)

This is an example of Coordination because “She found that with time her writing became gradually better.” can stand alone as its own sentence and so can “It is commonly this way with college students, especially in the Biology field.” The word that brings them together is “and”. 




5. There are things that are just known in life but others, like Discourse, is one that has to be taught. (Coordination)

This is an example of coordination because these two clauses can stand alone together. For example, You could say “There are things that are just known in life.” as its own sentence and then you could say “Like Discourse, is one that has to be taught.”. The word but brings these two thoughts together. 





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